Last update: 18 November 2023

Terms of Service

Welcome to (the "Website"), an open decentralized community. By using our protocols, you agree to comply with and be legally bound by the following terms:

Use of Protocols

You may access and use Cheezburger protocols for lawful purposes only. You are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with laws. Content is provided for informational use only.

Intellectual Property

The Website contains copyrighted material, trademarks and proprietary information including text, software, photos, videos, graphics and other content. This content is owned by Cheezburger community contributors. Users may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display or otherwise exploit any of the content without express consent from the contributor.

User Content

Users may contribute content for public display, such as social tokens or commentary. By sharing such content to decentralized storage, you grant the Cheezburger community a perpetual license for promotional, commercial and other purposes. This includes permission to share, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, edit, modify and reformat your content. You represent having all necessary rights to share any contributed content.

Third Party Content

The Website may reference links to third party sites, services, and content. Cheezburger does not control or endorse and is not responsible for third party content, availability, accuracy, integrity or quality. Users are responsible for evaluating any third party content or services.


Cheezburger protocols and content are provided without warranty. Usage is at your own risk "as is" without guarantees. Cheezburger disclaims liability for any damages or issues arising from use.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall Cheezburger community members be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages arising from use.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Cheezburger community members from any claims, damages, liabilities and expenses arising from your use of protocols, tools, services or violation of these terms.


As a decentralized platform, Cheezburger does not control user access to protocols which function pseudonymously by design. Transactions occur directly on public blockchain outside of any centralized control.


These terms may be modified by the Cheezburger community at any time. Updated terms will be posted on the Website. Continued usage indicates acceptance. Users should review regularly for changes.

Applicable Law

As a decentralized community, Cheezburger does not have a specific legal entity or jurisdiction. Users are responsible for complying with all applicable laws. There is no governing law claimed by or applicable to Cheezburger as an open source, decentralized community.

Contact Us

Please contact [email protected] for any questions.